US Navy sailors suffer radiation-caused illnesses, sue Tepco for damages — Al Jazeera America – The Stream

Al Jazeera interviews attorney Charles Bonner, who is representing 110 US Navy sailors in a $1 billion lawsuit against Tokyo Electric Power Company (TEPCO). The plaintiffs allege they and their children are suffering from unexpected and rare illnesses, including cancers, due to external and internal radiation exposure they experienced on the USS Ronald Reagan while aiding March 2011 disaster victims in “Operation Tomodachi.” (Tomodachi means ‘friends’ in Japanese). The sailors were exposed to thirty times the amount of radiation than TEPCO disclosed at that time. Al Jazeera also discusses the sailor’s radiation exposure with physician and anti-nuclear activist Helen Caldicott and Dr. Robert Gale, who specializes in leukemia and bone marrow disorders. This stream segment begins HERE and continues in six 1-minute segments.

Several segments later beginning HERE, former nuclear engineer and anti-nuclear activist Arnie Gundersen discusses the United States’ share of responsibility for the nuclear accident at Fukushima Daiichi and addresses the lack of nuclear regulation in Japan prior to the March 2011 crisis.

Japan’s nuclear refugees — National Geographic

National Geographic reporter Lucille Craft discusses the radioactive no-go zones surrounding Fukushima Daiichi and speaks with refugees from Namie, known as the “forgotten town” by Japanese magazine Bungei Shunju. Evacuees who now live in temporary housing are allowed to visit their homes for two to three hours on rare occasions in order to retrieve certain items. This article allows you to put yourself in several evacuees shoes, if just for a minute, to experience how surreal their situation is.

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