Impact of low-level radiation — NHK World

NHK World: ” Scientists from Japan and abroad have been trudging through the abandoned fields and forests of Fukushima looking for clues. They’re trying to find out how the radiation released by the damaged nuclear plant there is affecting animals and insects. And some are paying particular attention to how or even if low-level contamination is affecting organisms. NHK WORLD’s Craig Dale has the story. ”

watch video and read transcript with photographs

see related post here

Rain flows into Fukushima nuclear plant — NHK World

” The operator of the damaged Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant says rainwater has flowed into some of the buildings at the facility. A typhoon brought very heavy rain to Fukushima on Monday.

Tokyo Electric Power Company says an alarm on Monday morning warned of a water leak in the turbine building of the No.1 reactor. Workers found rainwater pouring into the building from an exterior pipe.

TEPCO officials say a water leak was also detected at the No.3 reactor building, adding that a camera captured images of rainwater pouring in.

The officials say no radioactive water has been leaked outside. ”
